- Feasibility Studies
- Project Design
- Project Management
- Detailed Engineering Design
- Construction Supervision and Quality Control
- Tender Preparation, Tender Evaluation
- Preparation Of Cost Estimates
- Financial and Economic Analysis
- Project Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
- Organizational Reform and Training
- Social Issues I.E. Socioeconomic Surveys, Resettlement Etc.
- Communication Strategy and Awareness Building.
- Identification, Preparation And Implementation of Education Sector Projects (Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Vocational and Non-formal) Including Infrastructure and Curricula Development
- Training Needs Analyses, Training Curricula Design, Module and Materials Development, Delivery Systems, Monitoring and Evaluation for Skill Development and Transfer Of Technology
Trainee Placement (In-country and Overseas) In Suitable Institutions Including Development of Training Curriculam.
- Conduct Training Of Trainers (TOT)
- Monitoring And Evaluation
- Tender Preparation, Tender Evaluation
- Awareness Building
- Identification, Feasibility Studies, Project Design And Appraisal
- Project Implementation Management
- Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation
- Training Plan, Delivery and Evaluation
- Organize In-country and Overseas Study Tours/Visits